Two-Way Radio Simulators

Two-way radio maybe kaput

Two-Way Radio Simulators

CB and Amateur Radio maybe kaput due to the Internet. However, Two-Way Radio Simulators, everything is done over the internet and it's fun. No need to purchase expensive radios or antenna's, which are an eye-sore. Come Join Us! 
HamSphere is a subscription-based internet service that simulates amateur radio communication using VoIP connections over the Internet. The simulator allows licensed radio amateurs and unlicensed enthusiasts to communicate with one another using a simulated ionosphere.
QsoNet is a subscription-based that uses the internet to receive audio signals from a ham radio transmitting station, then instantly reflects the audio back to all stations listening on that frequency. There is no RF. Everything is done over the internet with licensed amateurs radio enthusiasts.
Chatty Bob's Place
Chatty Bob's Place
Chatty Bob's Place